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精油篇/Essential Oil


白玫瑰:跟粉紅玫瑰一樣高貴,但多一分清雅純潔。用於護膚時, 能緊緻肌膚,延緩衰老,強化美白效果,淡化色素及去印。

檀香:這隻木香精油有平衡油脂功效,油性及乾性皮膚均適用。檀香亦能抑制 tyrosinase活動,減少色班產生。


We discuss the properties and benefits of the three essential oils used in our Floriferous Whitening Light Cream:

Rose Alba (White rose): This pure and elegant oil helps to tighten skin, delay ageing, strengthen the whitening effect, and lighten pigment and scars.

Sandalwood: This woody oil balances skin sebum and is suitable for use on oily as well as dry skins. It also reduces formation of age-spots by inhibiting activation of Tyrosinase.

Geranium Bourbon: This beautiful oil, which smells sweeter than even rose, helps to purify the skin and make it lustrous and glowing.

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