Aesthetics Jan

Oct 27, 20181 min

The key for Autumn skin care

立秋之後🍂,天氣變得很不穩定,突然間大🌧一輪,轉個頭又雨過天晴🌤。喺轉天氣的過度期,皮膚都容易變得脆弱, 同時間角質亦較容易變厚,使皮膚失去光澤。這個時候,皮膚需要保充水份🚰,加強抵抗力💪🏻,並需要強化皮膚屏障,抵禦🤺外來侵害。

We will soon be in the Autumn🍂, where our skin will become more vulnerable to unstable weather conditions⛈🌪🌤 - less radiant with more dead skin cells! To redress, we should boost our skin’s hydration levels🚰, as also its immune system 💪🏻and barrier functions to defend 🤺from external factors.
Stay tuned for our Autumn products!
